How CBD Oil Helps With Cancer Treatment and Kills Cancer Cells

Many cancer patients have recorded positive progress when they used CBD to suppress their symptoms.

What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is a sticky substance that is derived from the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant originated from Central Asia. It has been used for centuries now as a mental stimulating drug. It is practically impossible to tell when it was first cultivated since it was consumed even before the invention of writing. Some of the illnesses that it has been used to treat include diabetes, pain relief, gout, asthma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, migraines, opioid dependence, HIV dementia, strokes, psoriasis, dose syndrome, and now cancer.

How do cancer cells develop?
The human body is made up of uncountable number of cells. Some cells multiply to build new tissues. The body also has some genes known as oncogenes, which control the cell’s ability to divide and grow. There are also the tumor suppression genes, which indicate when the cells should stop growing. Cancer forms because the oncogenes work when they shouldn’t and the tumor suppression genes cease to work when they should be. This results in uncontrolled growth of cells in the form of tumors.

How do cannabinoids kill cancer cells?
When cannabinoids attach to the CB1 and CB2 receptors at the receptor area on the cancer cell, they prompt the manufacture of ceramide. Ceramide is the chemical responsible for killing the cancer cells. The treatment is effective because a non-cancerous cell does not produce ceramide in the presence of cannabinoids.
The cell doesn’t die because of the cytotoxic chemicals produced. It dies because of the minor shift of the mitochondria. The purpose of mitochondria in the human cell is to produce energy for the cell. When the ceramide is produced, it increases the permeability of cytochrome C out of the mitochondria, which is important in energy synthesis. When cytochrome C is pushed out of the mitochondria, the chances of survival of that cell is reduced significantly; thus it dies.

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